Radia Shield (9/11)

Biden must hate true Americans.

Because his latest policy put every single one of our families at risk.

See, Biden’s waved in hordes of immigrants from terror-hotbed nations. These people despise our nation.

Some of these psychos may have smuggled WMDs into America.1

It’s sickening…

But the MOST sickening part is this:

While the rest of us are sitting ducks, prone to a strike any moment…

Biden just gave his inner circle a warning to prepare. 

Gov’t officials have been told to do THIS to protect their families.

Yet the rest of us are going to be like lambs to the slaughter.

And that ain’t right.

That’s why I’m putting the word out.

If you wanna know what Biden told his inner circle, take a look at the report below. Your family’s safety could depend on it.

God Bless you Freedom Warriors,


Freedom Warriors make the world a better place!

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